Membership Application

Hello to All,

I simply say “ALL” because, in addition to the alumni, there are parents, teachers, principals, community members and many others who have benefitted from the many contributions of Webster High-School in Minden. Louisiana. The school closed 46 years go and so much of that rich history is scattered or even lost. Hence our long-term goal is to secure and develop a museum to house the history that we can find and preserve it for generations to come. The Webster High School Historical Society was organized to discover, collect, and preserve historical documents, books, pictures and artifacts to develop a comprehensive history of our unique high school.

Our first quarterly newsletter will feature a few Webster High School Alumni, principals, teachers, support staff, bus drivers, parents, and other relatives who served in any branch of the United States Military.

If you would like to join the Society, you need only:

  • Share a memory of any kind to the Society by completing the form below. You will receive an electronic copy of the newsletter.
  • If you want to receive the newsletter in a hard copy, you must compete the form with a $15.00 subscription/year.

I hope you enjoy reading the news especially if you pause and remember. We could have done more but the message may not have reached everyone. For all issues to come, we will seek your information and memorabilia from the pages of your memory.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Because of Webster,
Floristene Green Johnson, Class of 1965

How would you like to received your newsletter?

13 + 3 =

About Our Society

The Webster High School Historical Society was established to research, collect, and preserve historical memorabilia that will lead to a comprehensive history of Webster High School from its inception.

Contact Us

Webster High School
Historical Society

P.O. Box 1345
Minden, Louisiana 71058